Basic emotions, such as anger and fear, caused an increase in sensation in the upper chest area, likely corresponding to increases in pulse and respiration rate. 基本的情绪,比如愤怒和恐惧,会引起上胸部区域感觉增强,很可能同时会引起脉搏和呼吸率的增加。
Attribute of visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light. 与表面呈现发光多少有关的视觉属性。
Conclusion the therapeutic effect of cervical spondylosis of nerve root is related to the depth of acupuncture and of propagated needling sensation to the affected area. 结论神经根型颈椎病的疗效优劣与针刺深度和针感是否传至病变部位有关。
Thirteen cases repaired with non-innervated flaps and full-thickness grafting showed deep pain sensation, and over the 1-2 cm area coverage around the flaps there was light touch sensation. 13例未感觉重建而只采用皮瓣和全厚皮片移植的方法进行修复者术后以深痛觉为主,即S1级,皮瓣边缘1~2cm范围内有不同程度的浅感觉恢复,即S2级。
As the pedicle of the flap contains the lateral cutaneous branch of the intercostal nerve, the flap can bring sensation function to the recipient area. 血管蒂可分离得较长,皮瓣能移转到达的部位较广,并可带有肋间神经外侧皮支,成为有感觉的皮瓣。
The sensation in dorsum of the foot recovered completely within 2~ 4 months after operation and the touch, pain, and temperature sensation of the donor area recovered within 3~ 6 months after operation. 术后足背感觉2~4个月完全恢复,供区3~6个月逐渐恢复触、痛、温觉。
And that of Mesh plug tension-free inguinal herniorrhaphy ( Rutkow) was hematomas in incision, foreign body sensation in the inguinal area, hematomas or seroma, temporariness paresthesia and painful ejaculation. 而疝环充填式无张力腹股沟疝修补术术后主要并发症为切口血肿、异物感、血肿或血清肿、暂时性神经感觉异常和射精痛。